Friday, September 6, 2013

See What's New! Traditional PowerPoint Vs Prezi by Jennifer Hudson Taylor

#presentations #workshops #conferences

If you are still creating the traditional slide shows in PowerPoint, then allow me to introduce you to a new option, Prezi, a cloud-based presentation software and storytelling tool for presenting ideas on a virtual canvas. 

Many of you give writing workshops, speak at conferences, and have businesses and other full-time jobs where you often need to provide presentations. Why not try something new?

Both PowerPoint and Prezi are tools to creating and presenting a message. We are in a transition of technology crossovers and both will have it's place among different audiences. For instance, PowerPoint is considered traditional presentation software and the format with which most people are familiar. Therefore, you might consider using it with a more traditional audience. However, Prezi is considered new and innovative by many cutting-edge, techie business owners, especially the younger generations and to them a traditional PowerPoint presentation is boring and outdated.

Differences Between PowerPoint and Prezi

1) Storage and Creation
PowerPoint files are saved and created on your own computer. Prezi files are web-based and created and stored on a cloud. You can access it from any computer with Internet access, but you can also download and save it offline.

2) Content Delivery
PowerPoint advances from slide to slide on a linear level, while Prezi is more like watching a movie. It used movement to zero in on key messages by zooming in and out, like panning a camera from one side of a large board to another side of a large board. Music and video seem to be more seamless in Prezi than PowerPoint.

3) Customization Options
PowerPoint delivers more background options, colors and fonts, while Prezi is still limited to a number of templates. I anticipate these templates and customization options to increase in quantity and styles as Prezi grows and becomes more established.

Now for Some Examples

Since you are all familiar with PowerPoint slides, I am only providing examples of Prezi presentations in this post. You will need to allow each prezi to load. There is a little circle in the bottom left corner that will stop spinning when it is ready. Click the arrow buttons at the bottom to advance or move forward. If there is a video embedded into the Prezi, just click on it like you would on a website and it will play. If you don't want to watch the whole video, you can click the arrow button and move on.

Let me know your thoughts in the comments section after you view a few of these. Have you tried Prezi?

Point of View

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A video tutorial showing how easy creating a presentation in Prezi can be.


Anonymous said...

When I received this in my e-mail I found no links to these Prezi presentations. No video, no little blank square showing me my server had blocked it. Just descriptions and large blank spaces between them.
I clicked over here and found the embedded videos.

Jennifer Taylor said...

Thanks for the feedback. Next time I can post both the links and embed them since everyone's tools and security protection is so different. Also, it's one of the drawbacks to email. Glad u were able to click on the site and see everything.

Unknown said...

The demos are awesome! I've already got a million Powerpoint files for my college math classes, but this looks like an impressive upgrade. Thanks for the tip.

Jennifer Taylor said...

David, You are most welcome. We homeschool our daughter and she has mastered PowerPoint very well and creates them just for fun, but I'm looking forward to when my husband introduces Prezi to her this year. I think it is imperative for her age group. She's 16.