Many of you know that I served as a missionary to Haiti, both when I was single and married with our then infant son Curt. Single, as a Medical Missionary on loan to Mission Possible, an organization that built and continues to maintains schools and offer volunteer based medical clinics through out Haiti, I witnessed a lot of pain and suffering. Nothing though that can possibly compare to what these people are experiencing now. Yesterday morning I gave Mission Possible a call at their state side office to ask what I could do, where I could send a donation and direct my FB friends and family members to and they informed me. I also learned they had already sent people into Port au Prince to offer assistance.That afternoon I spoke with Barbara Brooks Michaud, my medical partner back then. We wept as we wondered about our friends and spoke of our love for this country and it's people. Reminisced.
It has long been my hearts desire to return to Haiti, to retire to it's mountains and live out my later years there. Haiti is wrought with problems, yes. But the simplistic lifestyle of the majority of the people, their resourcefulness in the face of adversity and continual tough circumstances has won a place in my heart that is treasured.When I lived there as a single gal I eventually owned just two dresses. One that I wore and one that was drying on a bush. Flip-flops were our stylish footwear that season. All of my excess clothing I gave to those that did not have, I lived a simpler life. Our days were filled with clinics, tooth extractions and minor mouth surgeries for me and for Barbara a constant assessment of those with burns, cancerous tumors, malaria and suturing. We laughed too yesterday through our tears, remembering the time I extracted a tooth while a Rooster stood on my head, how once Babara had attempted to plunge a hypodermic needle into the buttocks of a strong muscular man and the plunger flew across the room when he tensed in anticipation of the antibiotics. In the evenings we played dominoes with our neighbors, worshiped at church with our brothers and sisters and swam in the warm beautiful ocean, falling into bed exhausted only to rise and do it over again. We walked up goat paths to clinics held under brush arbors, where we were paid for our services with a single egg wrapped exquisitely in a banana leaf, tied with a cord of coconut shell thread. So many beautiful memories of a proud and resilient people, many of which love and serve our Lord and Saviour. I sat up last night till the wee hours of this morning praying. It was hard for me to go to my warm bed knowing so many had no where to lay theirs.
We ask you to join us in prayer for the Haitian people:
Pray for the emergency personal that are there now and that are arriving today and in the next few days. Their aid will be needed for a long time..
Pray for wisdom for those that have the responsibility to disperse the supplies and funds. Water, Toilets, Tents.
Pray for the discouraged and weary. That they may continue to Hope.
Pray for the fatherless and motherless children, and the parents that have lost their child.
Pray for the US military that will be called up to help in the humanitarian aid. My nephew Nathan (a 22 yr old Seebee) is on stand by for a possible stint that might last 6 months
Pray that those Haitians in the US would hear some word of their loved ones.
Pray for Miracles.
It has long been my hearts desire to return to Haiti, to retire to it's mountains and live out my later years there. Haiti is wrought with problems, yes. But the simplistic lifestyle of the majority of the people, their resourcefulness in the face of adversity and continual tough circumstances has won a place in my heart that is treasured.When I lived there as a single gal I eventually owned just two dresses. One that I wore and one that was drying on a bush. Flip-flops were our stylish footwear that season. All of my excess clothing I gave to those that did not have, I lived a simpler life. Our days were filled with clinics, tooth extractions and minor mouth surgeries for me and for Barbara a constant assessment of those with burns, cancerous tumors, malaria and suturing. We laughed too yesterday through our tears, remembering the time I extracted a tooth while a Rooster stood on my head, how once Babara had attempted to plunge a hypodermic needle into the buttocks of a strong muscular man and the plunger flew across the room when he tensed in anticipation of the antibiotics. In the evenings we played dominoes with our neighbors, worshiped at church with our brothers and sisters and swam in the warm beautiful ocean, falling into bed exhausted only to rise and do it over again. We walked up goat paths to clinics held under brush arbors, where we were paid for our services with a single egg wrapped exquisitely in a banana leaf, tied with a cord of coconut shell thread. So many beautiful memories of a proud and resilient people, many of which love and serve our Lord and Saviour. I sat up last night till the wee hours of this morning praying. It was hard for me to go to my warm bed knowing so many had no where to lay theirs.
We ask you to join us in prayer for the Haitian people:
Pray for the emergency personal that are there now and that are arriving today and in the next few days. Their aid will be needed for a long time..
Pray for wisdom for those that have the responsibility to disperse the supplies and funds. Water, Toilets, Tents.
Pray for the discouraged and weary. That they may continue to Hope.
Pray for the fatherless and motherless children, and the parents that have lost their child.
Pray for the US military that will be called up to help in the humanitarian aid. My nephew Nathan (a 22 yr old Seebee) is on stand by for a possible stint that might last 6 months
Pray that those Haitians in the US would hear some word of their loved ones.
Pray for Miracles.
I have posted an album on my FB profile page titled Haiti, you are welcome to take a look.
Thank you for joining us here at Hartline in prayer for Haiti.
From my heart to yours,
Diana, Your passion moves me to tears as I pray. Plus, I chuckled at how we are so alike. When I served in Gabon, Africa, I fell in love with the simplicity of the people. I could put the same dress on every morning and still be the best dressed girl in town. I vowed I would never again walk into my closet and say, "I have nothing to wear." The Gabonese have so little, yet they have so much. They love Jesus with a joy I've never seen in the U.S. Beautiful people in Haiti and in Gabon. I'm praying for all.
Oh Diana. I cry with you, and pray.
God forgive me for complaining--about anything!--as I sit in my heated office, drinking warm cider.
I will share with these precious ones. Thanks for the address.
Bless you,
Coming here from a link on Rachelle Gardner's blog ...
just wanted to say thank you so much for this posting!
I too understand your love and empathy for the Haitian people, Diana. The Rwandans grabbed my heart and I yearn to go back there some day, for the same reasons-their simple delight in life and their generous sharing even if it is their last meal. And to see the beauty of their land once again. I pray with you. You would like our governor general. She comes from Haiti, and she broke down today as she talked to Canadians. We have a large Haitian poopulation. She does not know if her brother and sister have been saved. Canada has sent relief teams, three ships (one a hospital ship), loaded cargo aircraft with supplies and personnal, military teams have been deployed and expect to stay the next six months, plus engineers and search & rescue teams with sniffer dogs. Your pictures of the children are the ones that bring the most tears. God knows your heart and theirs. Our prayers are joined from around the world. Perhaps, out of this tragedy, the world will work to rebuild Haiti and help its wonderful people become self-sufficient. That is the hope in my heart.
Diana, thank you for posting this. Your words are so full of compassion. Our troubles seem so insignificant in light of this overwhelmingly tragic event.
Diana, Thanks the prayer list and post! I do so admire your desire to return to Haiti some day. Our son served there a few years ago and I was often stunned then by the pictures he sent us then - I can not imagine what that country faces now. And yes Pat is right - puts our troubles in perspective.
We have visited Haiti briefly a couple of times and our hearts were touched by the people we saw there. I can see how you fell in love with the country and its people. Thanks for rallying prayer and support.
Diana, my heart aches for these precious people. Hubby went there for a work detail several years ago and has never forgotten his experience or the people. I love to hear him talk about that time. Love and hugs, and most of all prayer for you and for Haiti and the people!
I grew up in a third world country among people who had next to nothing, too. It's always hard when tragedy strikes, whether it's a tsunami, earthquake or a hurricane or typhoon, but God uses these things to gain our attention, to make us care about the hurting, to make them open to hear His voice, and--I'm praying that is what happens in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. That God brings a great deal of good out of this for all Haitians and uses the relief that is on its way there for His glory.
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