We woke up to beautiful snow this morning. The forecast is 3 to 8 inches. Well, we already have more than three. I cancelled my beauty shop appointment and decided to just enjoy being home today. Shopping is done, cards are mailed, the house is decorated, our ham is in the freezer, so today maybe we’ll wrap presents, and make some turkey chili. My son in Washington, DC says they are expecting 15 inches of snow. Tamela, in Manassas, VA says they already have 14 inches. Further east on the coast, the snow is far worse than Pittsburgh. We’re 250 miles from DC and about 400 from Philadelphia and the NYC area. Some people get Philly and Pittsburgh mixed up. We’re in western Pennsylvania, near the Ohio boarder.
Publishing pretty much closes down from now until after the first of the year. I got an e-mail from one editor yesterday, saying their office would be closed from 1:00 pm on December 24st until January 4th. This will probably be true of many publishers. This particular editor is taking two weeks off, beginning the 21st. Many editors save vacation time for this time of the year.
I will be checking e-mail every day, but I won’t be working in the office after the 21st. Not full-time anyway, it’s hard to stay away completely. The week between Christmas and New Years is a catch up week, hoping to clear my desk, and get rid of the “piles.” Yes, that means doing rejections. Not a fun project. We will keep the blog up most days. I’m sure all of our agents will be checking e-mail every day. Otherwise we would be overwhelmed.
Have a wonderful weekend; enjoy shopping and getting ready for Christmas. Our whole family, two sons, two daughter-in-law and one grandson, will be together on Christmas day. We are blessed. I hope you will be able to be with your families and friends. To those of you who have lost loved ones, especially this past year, I pray that the Lord will help you through this season.
May we all remember the true meaning of Christmas, the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Merry Christmas,
Publishing pretty much closes down from now until after the first of the year. I got an e-mail from one editor yesterday, saying their office would be closed from 1:00 pm on December 24st until January 4th. This will probably be true of many publishers. This particular editor is taking two weeks off, beginning the 21st. Many editors save vacation time for this time of the year.
I will be checking e-mail every day, but I won’t be working in the office after the 21st. Not full-time anyway, it’s hard to stay away completely. The week between Christmas and New Years is a catch up week, hoping to clear my desk, and get rid of the “piles.” Yes, that means doing rejections. Not a fun project. We will keep the blog up most days. I’m sure all of our agents will be checking e-mail every day. Otherwise we would be overwhelmed.
Have a wonderful weekend; enjoy shopping and getting ready for Christmas. Our whole family, two sons, two daughter-in-law and one grandson, will be together on Christmas day. We are blessed. I hope you will be able to be with your families and friends. To those of you who have lost loved ones, especially this past year, I pray that the Lord will help you through this season.
May we all remember the true meaning of Christmas, the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Merry Christmas,
Wow! I grew up in Fairfax, Virgina, not too far from Manassas, and I can tell you that 14 inches is a lot of snow for that area!
Currently, I live in northeast Ohio, only a couple hours from Pittsburgh, but we've only gotten a dusting, so far.
Hi Joyce,
It's snowing here too. We have about 3 inches so far at noon on Sat. It is pretty! I am glad to hear your family will be together on Christmas. I hope you have a wonderful time together and make some precious memories.
I am with you! All I need to do is wrap presents and enjoy my family, friends and an awesome God! Have a wonderful Christmas!
A blessed Christmas to all at Hartline with thanks for all you do to get the Word of God out to the masses. May our Lord Jesus, Who was the Word, continue to fill our hearts, our minds, and our fingertips with His Words of truth.
Merry Christmas!
Have a wonderful CHRISTmas, Joyce! Thanks for your wonderful agency. . . and just for the record, I'm really enjoying and benefitting from the blog. . . :-)
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