18:14 tells us that “Caiaphas was the one who had advised the Jewish leaders
that it would be good if one man died for the people.” (NIV)
(For the full context of Caiaphas’ statement take a minute and look at John11:49-52) This was the
point in time in which they began to plot Jesus’ death, which ultimately lead
to His crucifixion on a cross.
Jesus’ followers witnessed His crucifixion, not only did they see their friend,
teacher and son crucified, they watched their hope being crucified.
wonder if they remembered Jesus’ teaching to “pick up your cross and follow me.”?
The understanding at that time, and in that culture, was that when you took up
your cross, you didn’t come back. It was a one-way journey. And that’s what
Jesus calls us to today.
go of our will, our hopes, and our dreams is painful. It’s not easy, it can be
a struggle. And it's not without sacrifice. But when we consider what the cross really means, and what happened
on the cross, and that it lead to Jesus’ glorious resurrection, then hope
returns – new hope, resurrected hope, hope that is alive. A hope that He will
give us life – an abundant life. And a glorious hope that tells us one day we
will live with Him for eternity.
took the cross - an object of scorn, horror, repression and humiliation - and
made it a symbol of life, love, freedom and hope. Only God could do this. And today we
see images of the cross everywhere. On churches, on hillsides, on artwork, on
clothing, on jewelry.
time I see the cross I want to remember what it represents:
about our sin and shame being washed away.
about despair yielding to hope.
about darkness being overcome by the Light.
about chains falling off and replaced with liberty.
about death being conquered by life.
these the things that our world, our nation, and our neighborhoods desperately need
today? We look to programs to provide relief to suffering. We look to
governments to correct issues of the heart. We look to militaries to rein in
evil. It’s so evident that man's attempt to make things right by our own
efforts are never enough, never completely do the job, and so often create more
can’t forget to look to the Cross.
celebrate the Cross! Let’s write about it! Let’s sing about it!
It was good that One Man died for the people.
For me and for you.
1 comment:
Jim, this is a great testimony. I thank God for our partnership and pray that our shared book projects will be infused with the eloquent message you've shared in this post. A blessed Easter to you and the Hartline team.
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