I’m pleased to introduce author, editor, and publisher Jim Fletcher today. Jim and his wife Dianna and I have been friends for many years. We worked at New Leaf Press together for many years. Jim and Dianna live in Berryville, AR.
Jim, Tell us about yourself and your family: I’ve loved writing since fabricating my term papers in high school; I then earned a journalism degree from a private college in Missouri and spent years in small-town newspapers before getting into the book publishing field as an editor. I had no ambition to be a writer until, on a whim, I pitched an idea and they bought it! My family is very supportive of my decision to write for a living and we enjoy our little part of the world. We have four children, all but one on their own. That leaves us with more time for our two dogs and two cats!
Tell us about your background in publishing: Through a friend, I learned that New Leaf Publishing Group was looking for an editor in late 1993. I visited with the publisher and lo and behold, spent the next 14 years there, learning from a great publisher, Tim Dudley. I worked in all aspects of editorial, and then helped some with marketing. In 2007, I decided to strike out on my own and see if I could make writing work full-time.
You have made many trips to Israel and I know you have a keen interest in what is going on in the Middle East. Give us some of your thoughts about what is going on there: Slowly but surely, Israel is being squeezed and will soon find herself without allies. Islamist terrorism is a poison so toxic that the region will be unstable for the foreseeable future.
You live in a beautiful area of the country – does that give you inspiration for writing? Absolutely; just last week I watched the most beautiful snow outside my window. We have a beautiful view here in the hills of northwest Arkansas. It’s very quiet and conducive for writing.
Is there an area in your writing that you are working on developing more? Two things: more investigative works, and fiction. My contacts in the Middle East have me thinking of a novel! I’d also like to have a syndicated column.
What is your all time favorite writing ‘How To’ book? One that you would like to recommend to other authors. Hands-down, Adventures in the Screen Trade by the great writer, William Goldman. He’s realistic, descriptive, and insightful.
Have you had to overcome any obstacles in your writing journey? No, actually I’ve been blessed; I can’t explain that, but there it is.
What is the most important thing on your current ‘To Do ‘ list? Finish a book proposal and finish my manuscript, The Jerusalem Prophecies, which excites me. I also blog weekly for WorldNetDaily (Writers Bloc publishing column and a weekly book review); American Family Association; RaptureReady (The worlds largest Bible prophecy site); and The Jeruselem Post.
What led you to the career choice of becoming a writer? It’s the only thing I ever had a facility for. My skill set is not broad, such as that of Harrison Ford — great actor and carpenter! I do though enjoy the writing process: conception of idea, writing, editing.
Tell us about your current projects. I know you have several in the works. The previously mentioned Jerusalem Prophecies, because I’ve uncovered some juicy stuff related to ancient prophecies and current weapons systems. I am also extremely excited about a project co-authored with my friend, Jeff Patty; the project is called Boneshakers…our concept of ghosts that is quite different from anything else I’ve seen. I like variety in writing, so I have several concepts brewing.
Are there any words of wisdom you’d like to leave with our readers? Yes; hard work and sweat will pay off, and I think the main thing is to resolve to make progress in your writing every week: write that chapter. Finish a proposal. Research publishers. Focus on a couple of projects, finish those, realize success, then expand your reach.
Thank you, Jim. We’re pleased to welcome to you to the Hartline author family. I look forward to working with you to find homes for your books.
We, at Hartline, want to congratulate two of our authors for appearing on the CBA Bestellers' list for March. Suzanne Fishers', The Choice is #8 on the CBA Bestseller list (Joyce's client) and Tamela's client, Kathleen Fuller is #10 with Amish Gathering written with Beth Wiseman.
I find your post most interesting.
In early May 67--I was only 21--God spoke to me to stand up in a church service and proclaim: “The Lord God lives! Israel will soon regain much land and Jerusalem.”
I had never seen anyone in a church congregation stand up and speak during a service. It was very hard to do—I felt much out of place—yet still, I obeyed the command of God.
Of course, in a couple weeks it happened as I predicted. For over 40 years since, when God has spoken similarly to me; there has always been 100% accuracy.
I am sooo interested in your book concerning prophecies of Isreal. I expect you are familiar with God's supernatural intervention protecting Isreal, including during the wars??
Also, I know a lady that lives near me, she spends 6 months here and 6 months in Isreal.Have you heard of her?: Her name is 'America', and is known for publicly praising God, waving flags which appear as flaming with fire. Tourists often photograph the amazing sight.
As you said, Isreal is losing allies...but God's supernatural warriors are hovering above her.
Can you give us any more hints about the prophecies in your upcoming book?
Hi Jim,
It was really nice to read your interview. I love New Leaf and have done several reviews for them. Good publishing house and good people there :-)
Such a nice family here with Hartline. I know you will love it.
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