Dear From the Heart reader;
Today we reach the end of our journey with our traveler David Ponder, and the delivery of the last principal for success in our book review of Andy Andrews title, The Traveler's Gift, Seven Decisions for Personal Success.
As David said goodbye to Abraham Lincoln at Gettysburg, he laid down for a rest. This whole experience had proved to be an emotional one and he was weary. He awakens on a bed of concrete, on the floor of a HUGE warehouse filled with many shelves stacked with an odd assortment of items; photographs of children, electric cords, vacuum cleaners, and odd machinery. The stacked shelves seem to go on forever, at least as far as he can see forward, backward and upward. He sees no source of light yet the building is lit, bathed in a soft glow. As he is gazing about him attempting to ascertain just where he is, he notices a man walking towards him. A very large man. As he comes closer David realizes the man towers above him and glows with the same light that fills the warehouse. A robe drapes over his shoulders and he has WINGS! Yes wings! It is the archangel Gabriel and this is who will give David the final principle for success.
'Why am I here, what are all of these items here in this place and what am I supposed to learn from all of this?' David asks. Gabriel explains that what he sees are items that were never invented, children that were never born, dreams and goals never accomplished.
As they walk and talk, Gabriel tells David that most people give up before accomplishing what they were intended to accomplish. David asks just what it is that sets one person apart from another. Gabriel explains that the tragedy of life is not that man loses, but that he almost wins. The reason most quit is because they lack understanding and faith. It is perseverance that builds muscle and brings a man or woman to greatness. Times of calamity and distress have always been producers of the greatest individuals. The strongest steel is produced by the hottest fire.With only a few exceptions, the human race lacks the faith that produces greatness. "Once civilization was alive and vibrant, productive and glorious. A culture so highly evolved as to make you look like dull children." Gabriel informed David.
"Is there anything we can do to bring it back?" asked David. Gabriel hands David a scroll. "This decision is the final portion of the whole. Take it." Gabriel did not know why David was chosen to receive the decisions. He would be the final 'Traveler', the one entrusted with the decisions and responsible to share them with others. David was to study one decision at a time, each for 21 days. He was to read it aloud twice daily during that time. First thing in the morning and the last thing before sleep. He was not to miss a day. Each decision would then become a part of him, buried in his heart, captured in his soul.
He reminded David that he was not alone in his journey. He had a guide and no reason to lose faith. The creator had entrusted David with the wisdom of the Seven Decisions along with the free will gift to apply them to his life and share them with others.Some will apply them and rise to greatness and others will quit in the process and pass into obscurity. It will be their choice. Gabriel left David with a warning to choose wisely or the future for all men would be at stake. As Gabriel rose and took flight before his eyes, David sat and read the scroll that contained the 7th decision.
I Will Persist Without Exception. I am a person of great faith.
"For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11. (The Living Bible) From this day forward, I will claim a faith in the certainty of my future. I will continue despite exhaustion. Most people quit, I am NOT most people. I am not average, I see exhaustion as a precursor to victory.
David stowed the scroll in the leather tobacco pouch of Chamberlains, alongside of the other messages he received from those he'd visited with. He was a different man for having met them, a better man. He breathes a thank you, and then bows his head and repeats the words and smiles. He has become a man of faith. He will persist without exception.
Dear reader, as another verse encourages us not to become weary in well doing, I pray that you might not faint in the thing that you have yet to accomplish. May we like our traveler David learn to persist so that we might one day hear, "Well done thy good and faithful servant, you have been faithful over a few things, I will make thee a ruler over many. Enter now into the joy of the Lord. Mt 25:21. (King James)
My next visit with you we will share in the conclusion of Davids travel and his return to his family. Until then, from my heart to yours,
Thanks for all your posts on this vital subject. Today's post caused me to ponder:
I wonder how many Americans strive so hard to please and serve God that they become almost 'exhausted in well doing.'
That thought brought to my mind how most of us Americans really don't comprehend how great is the freedom and luxery we enjoy.
We Americans can usually at least make ourselves smile when we have our pictures taken:
I have been involved in sending Bibles and other Christian literature to many 'average' families in the former Soviet Union. The people write letters back to proclaim their tremendous appreciation. About half of them send photos of their family. It is so sad to me, because EVERY single person in all those photos has a SAD look on their face. Not even one hint of a smile.
I really wonder what God thinks of most of us Americans. After all, to whom much is given...much is required.
I like your blog because it helps guide people in good spiritual ways.
You have reminded me again how many are without the precious Word of God. There is joy in giving to others. Thank you for your comment today. Won't it be wonderful when you get to see these brothers and sisters in Christ that you have encouraged?
Diana, thanks for the post today. I loved that expression: I will persist without exception. A good motto for not only writers, but all of us in general.
And Writer Jim, thanks for the comment. We Americans have so much, and how thankful are we? Thanks for reminding us.
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