Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Sandra D. Bricker on her friendship with Tamela's Client, Debby Mayne

Even in the Christian community, jealousy can happen so when I see a post such as this, I take notice. Sandra D. Bricker illustrates how meaningful friendship can be, and how God blesses us when we support one another. 

Barnabas Mayne???

I've got two writing projects going at the same time, and I'm thankful to God that He's kept the inspiration flowing as I make strides toward meeting the deadlines. One of those projects is writing the devotions for the next Summerside devo, this one on the theme of grace. I'm never so immersed in God's Word as I am when working on these devotionals. They've been such a blessing to my own spiritual life!

Last night, I was reading about Paul. I just love Paul, and I identify with him greatly. A former bad guy, brought to his knees by the grace of God; a man with an undefined handicap who was anointed by God to use his writing talents to construct a large part of the New Testament, laying down the foundation for gazillions of believers who would come after him. When reading about Paul, it's almost impossible to miss his lower-profile friend, Barnabas. But I often do skim right past him.

As is often the case, after giving some thought to the relationship of Paul and Barnabas just last night, I turned on the television this morning to hear Joel Osteen talking about them on his television program. Joel pointed out what I hadn't really considered before: We might not have Paul's writings if not for the pivotal role played by unassuming Barnabas.

This got me to thinking about the Barnabases I've had in my life. How many times has someone played a key role in moving me forward in my faith walk or my writing career or simply my personal growth? 

Fellow author Debby Mayne has been a powerful Barnabas in my life. More than a decade ago, I walked into a writers group meeting, new to Florida, relatively new to writing fiction as well, and this small, energetic woman walked up to me and introduced herself. After our first meeting, Debby took the role of encourager and mentor. She told me about writing opportunities, even introduced me to my first publisher, and I don't think she's ever asked for anything in return. Like Barnabas, Debby knows the secret that, when you do for others what they can't do for themselves, you embody the hand of God in their lives. 

Who has God placed in your life to encourage, support and/or guide you on your journey? I'm about to send the link to this blog post to Debby so that she is reminded once again how valuable her friendship has been to me, how pivotal her Barnabas role in my life has actually been. I want her to know that I'm praying for her hundredfold reward, that I'm humbled by and grateful for her friendship, and that she has changed me. 

Is there someone you need to remind and thank? Someone unassuming and yet completely valuable to your life? I encourage you to do it right away. 

Thank you, Sandra. I hope readers will take time to find out more about you and your award-winning books at http://sandradbricker.blogspot.com

Until next time,


Cherie said...

Wonderful post and I agree! Debby is an amazing person, and I second this line, "I want her to know that I'm praying for her hundredfold reward, that I'm humbled by and grateful for her friendship, and that she has changed me."

Rhonda Gibson said...

Sandie this is a beautiful post.

Southern-fried Fiction said...

A wonderful post, Sandie. I'd have to say Deb Raney has been a Barnabas to me. She's encouraged me so much through this journey. and then there is yourself, your humor and bringing together the Accidental Warriors. That was an answer to prayer for me. :)

Debby Mayne said...

One of the benefits of being a member of such a wonderful organization as ACFW is being surrounded by people who want to serve. Cherie and Rhonda, I've been blessed by encouragement from both of you. And Ane, you're a blessing as a fellow AW. Your prayers often bring me to tears - and I'm talking about happy tears.

Sandie has also been an encourager, friend, and confidante in my life for many years. I'm honored that she thought enough of me to post such a sweet message.

Unknown said...

Sandie, What a beautiful post!

I would like to take my place in line to say, I am sooo grateful to God for placing Debby Mayne in my life.
When I first met Debby, I had enrolled in an online writer's course a couple of years ago, and I was blessed to have her as my instructor/teacher.
Since then, she has been my mentor, my encourager, and my number one supporter on my writing journey.
She's also the one who encouraged me to join ACFW.
Everyone has that one special person who can make a tremendous difference in their lives, and Debby is that person in mine.

I stand in agreement with Sandie, I'm praying for Debby's hundredfold reward...and I'm one more person who is humbled by and grateful for her friendship, and that she has changed me, too!

Caroline said...

I'm so thankful for the encouragers in my life, and I pray that I can encourage others. I often think of Hebrews 3:13 in regards to encouragement: "Encourage one another daily, as long as it is called 'Today'..." We can all encourage each other so much within fellowship of this shared hope we all have (1 Thessalonians 5:11).