Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Post-Its and Purple Potatoes by Andy Scheer

Purple potatoes, ready to cook.
Three years ago, my daughter planted a section of my garden with purple potatoes. That fall, she harvested a good crop – but not all of them.

Hidden in the dark soil, a few potatoes remained. The next spring, they sprouted. That fall, I harvested more. But not all.

This year the process repeated. Last weekend, we treated friends to a slow-cooked pot roast garnished with carrots and purple potatoes.

They came from my favorite kind of gardening: plant, wait, and harvest. Much like my favorite kind of writing.

Today I decided to clean my desk. On a Post-It note I'd scribbled a title for a blog article and two words identifying the illustration.

That was all I needed. With a few minutes free, I opened a new document and pounded out the blog. Like picking a ripe crop.

Next spring, I expect my garden will show fresh potato sprouts. As for my writing crop, I make sure to always have a supply of Post-Its.


Davalyn Spencer said...

Don't know what I did before Post-Its... oh, yes, I do. Scraps of paper everywhere.

Linda Glaz said...

yes, those doggone post its, but I DO love purple potatoes. Sounds like they aren't hard to grow???? I'd love to try next spring, because I love them.