Chuck Sambuchino is the editor of Guide to Literary Agents (Writer’s Digest Books). He also helmed the books Formatting & Submitting Your Manuscript, 3rd Ed., and the 2010 Screenwriter’s & Playwright’s Market. Read his blog all about agents and submissions at www.guidetoliteraryagents.com/blog.
When contacting agents, the query process isn’t as simple as “Just keep e-mailing until you make a connection.” There are ins, outs, strange situations, unclear scenarios, and plenty of what-have-you that block the road to signing with a rep. It’s with that in mind that I have collected 10 of the more interesting questions submitted to me by readers regarding protocol during the query process.
1. Can you query multiple agents at the same agency?
Generally, no. A rejection from one usually means a rejection from the entire agency. If you query one agent and she thinks the work isn’t right for her but still has promise, she will pass it on to fellow agents in the office who can review it themselves. Agents work together like that.
2. Can you re-query an agent after she rejects you?
You can, though I’d say you have about a 50/50 shot of getting your work read. Some agents seem to be more than open to reviewing a work if it’s been overhauled or undergone serious edits. Other agents, meanwhile, believe that a no is a no—period. So, in other words, you really don’t know, so you might as well just query away and hope for the best.
3. Do you need a conservative agent for a conservative book? A liberal agent for a liberal book?
I asked a few agents this question and some said they were willing to take on any political slant if the book was well written and the author had platform. A few agents, on the other hand, said they needed to be on the same page politically with the author for a political/religious book, and would only take on books they agreed with. Bottom line: Some will be open-minded; some won’t. Look for reps who have taken on books similar to yours, and feel free to query other agents, too. The worst any agent can say is no.
4. Should you mention your age in a query? Will agents take on an older client?
I’m not sure any good can come from mentioning your age in a query. Usually the people who ask this question are younger than 20 or older than 70. Concerning an age bias, I would say some agents may be hesitant to sign older writers because reps are looking for career clients, not simply individuals with one memoir/book to sell. If you’re older, write multiple books to convince an agent that you have several projects in you … and don’t mention your age in the query to be safe.
5. Can I query an agent for a short story collection?
I’d say 95 percent of agents do not accept short story collection queries. The reason? Collections just don’t sell well. If you have a collection of short stories, you can do one of three things: 1) Repurpose some/all of the stories into a novel, which is much easier to sell. 2) Write a new book—a novel—and sell that first to establish a reader base. That way, you can have a base that will purchase your next project—the collection—ensuring the publisher makes money on your short stories. 3) Query the few agents who do take collections and hope for the best. If you choose this third route, I suggest you get some of the stories published to help the project gain some momentum.
6. When should you query? When is your project ready?
There is no definitive answer, but here’s what I suggest. You want to get other eyes on the material—what are called “beta readers”—people who can give you feedback that is both honest and helpful. These beta readers (usually critique group buddies) will give you feedback and you can take what you want then ditch the rest. What you’re aiming for is no more major concerns. So let’s say you give the book to three friends and they come back with some major concerns, such as “It starts too slow” or “This character is not believable.” Through revisions, you can address these problems. After rewrites, give it to three more beta readers. If they come back with no major concerns, the book is ready, or at least very close.
7. Should I mention that my work is copyrighted or has had professional editing?
No. All work is copyrighted the moment you write it down in any medium, so saying something that’s obvious only comes off as amateurish. On the same note, all work should be edited, so saying that the work is edited (even by a professional editor) also comes off as amateurish.
8. How should I start my query? Should I begin with a paragraph from the book?
I would not include a paragraph from the book nor would I write the letter in the “voice” of one your characters—those are gimmicks. You can just jump right into the pitch—there’s nothing wrong with that. But you can also try to establish a connection with an agent (i.e., try to explain why you’ve picked this agent out of the whole bunch). Ways to make a connection include 1) a referral, 2) citing an interview with them you read online, 3) mentioning a prior book they repped, 4) revealing that you met in person at a writers’ conference.
9. Should I mention that the query is a simultaneous submission?
You can, but you don’t have to. If you say it’s exclusive, they understand no other eyes are on the material, but if you say nothing, they will assume multiple agents must be considering it. Keep in mind to always check each agent’s submission guidelines; a few rare agents will specifically request to be informed if it’s a simultaneous submission.
10. Should I query all my “target” agents at once?
No, and let me tell you why. You don’t want to send out 50 queries all at once, because if the query doesn’t hook readers or your first chapter needs tweaking, then you’ve sent out sub-par work to all reps. You’ll get rejected across the board and blow lots of chances with agents. My recommendation is to send out 5-7 queries and see what you hear back. If everyone is saying no and you don’t get requests for pages, you have to start examining where you’re going wrong. Make some adjustments before querying again.
So glad to see Chuck here! I follow his blog and LOVE it!! Very helpful.
This is a great post! Thank you for having him.
Loved the interview!
Excellent advice; thank you both for the time you spent on this.
Blessed Weekend,
Oh, this post came at JUST the right time! Thank you so much for sharing this INCREDIBLY valuable information.
Great, succint advice. This will go in my "save" file. Thank you for posting this.
Nice interview. It's always good to be reminded of the basics.
A very helpful and relevant post for me. I've bookmarked it. Thank you, Chuck.
Great interview from Chuck (who runs an incredibly helpful blog for writers!!) and very timely, since I'm going to start querying for the first time, like, now! o_O Someone hold me...
Thanks for this! Helpful.
I'm glad you liked Chuck's guest blog. He is a good friend to author's and his columns in Reader's Digest and blogs are excellent. My thanks to him for this blog.
Thank you, Chuck. #10 is especially useful to me right now.
This is great information, broken down in user-friendly terms. Thanks for sharing!
Thank you, Joyce, for having Chuck Sambuchino as your guest blogger today.
The interview was so informative and answered many questions that have been churning in my head.
Wishing you, both, a great day!
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