Monday, January 26, 2015

Organizing Your Thoughts and The Great American Novel by Linda S. Glaz

So let’s get down to work. Keyboard’s dusted and…oh, there’s a tortilla chip crumb trapped between ‘l’ and ‘k’…wipe that mess up and put it in the tras…”somebody forgot to do their dishes. Hello-ooo” Squirt in the soap and tackle all the greasy…Whoa! that torn nail really has to be cut! Pad to the bathroom, get out the clippers and…what a mess in here. Soft scrub, Lysol and what the heck? Nobody thought to throw in a load of towels?
You get my drift. Organizing writing time, or in my case with a home office—agenting AND writing time—can be a tough task. Even though I plan to be in my office from around 8 to 8, I often get sidetracked, and then it becomes 8-sidetrack, and I have to stay there until 10 in the evening instead.
Years ago there were two sisters who called themselves the Slob Sisters. One girl’s husband, who was a policeman, even had his partner think their house had been broken into and ransacked, it was such a crazy mess. What did the slob sisters do? They organized all of their housework onto index cards: daily, weekly, monthly, and seasonal. And they were devoted to their cards. I tried it, whoa baby, it worked! But I found that I was a slave to those cards. There was no room for flexibility, so it didn’t last (I’m back to my house being a disaster, but I’m happy and it works for me).
However, when it comes to an office, I am completely ADHD with all capitals! I call myself a Triple-A personality which is awesome when it comes to getting work done, but difficult to concentrate on one thing at a time. Probably why I multi-task well. But there are days when I’d love to be able to have tunnel vision.
About the only time that happens is when a PERFECT, I said it, PERFECT manuscript slides across my desk. I can’t be persuaded to move from it, not even for dinner. Shucks, I think a fire could start and I wouldn’t budge.
Some of you ask me what it takes to get me to sign on with your work. Make me sit at my desk, not moving even when the tornado warning sounds, and I’ll sign you faster that John Hancock scribbled his name! That takes a mountain of stick-to-it-tiveness. Learn the craft: write, write, write, and write some more.
Being organized is for wimps. Being ADHD and OCD and still making a go of things? Priceless…


Diana Flegal said...

Priceless indeed Linda :-) Thanks for letting us peek at how you do it. :-)

Terri Tiffany said...

LOL I wondered how you wore so many hats!! Now you have me looking over at my pile of dishes to wash...

Davalyn Spencer said...

A good story is all about escape, isn't it!

Andrea Strong said...

Your day sounds a lot like mine...only throw in nursing and diaper changes, and of course the occasional half hour of totally-distracted-by-the-beautiful-baby-boy.

I just don't get a lot of anything done. And lately writing takes a back seat to everything else.

But I'll take the advice to heart.

Linda Glaz said...

Terri, yeah, I always joke and and say as long as the health dept doesn't shut me down, I'm good to go. Hahaha, or is that for real?

Linda Glaz said...

Yet, Davalynn. That is exactly right. Oh, my, Andrea. Those days are over for me. But I understand exactly and remember, oh!!! so well.